that she, Kim Ogg is ineffective and inefficient?
Below is what the president of the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association had to say;
Murray Newman, who has not specifically examined these figures, but is the President of the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association believes the Harris County DA’s office is both ineffective and inefficient.
“I think the big problem is they take a lot of charges that they can ultimately not prove at the end of the day, and the sad thing is that they are very reluctant to admit they can’t prove a case,” Newman said.
From Channel 2 News the following Figures of the low conviction rates:
– 70.83% of prostitution cases were not guilty/dismissal
– 62% of nonsexual assault were not guilty/dismissal
– 50% of burglary were not guilty/dismissal
– 67.9% of crimes against children were not guilty/dismissal
– 77.9% of kidnapping were not guilty/dismissal
– 55% of sexual assault were not guilty/dismissal
If one wants to read the Channel 2 Investigative Report go here.