What a whiny mayor you have turned out to be. You chose to run for mayor. If you don’t like the protests, quit, and the protests will go away.
Whitmire called the repeated protests outside his home “frightening.” He said the proposed policy is a public safety measure and that a number of local governments across the country have adopted similar restrictions. Source
Frankly, I find it hard to believe some of the things you claim are happening like them blocking your driveway. For instance, blocking your driveway, really. Mayor you have a police officer drive you every where you go. Your own personal secret service officer willing to take a bullet for you.
“I [had to] go through four times now at night, as late as 11 p.m., with protesters shining beams of light into your house and lasers into your house on July 4th, blocking your driveway so you can’t get to July 4th events,” Whitmire said. Source
You talk about safety; let me talk about safety. A house in our neighborhood has been abandoned for years and has been a public nuisance. During Beryl, a tree in front of the house was knocked down and landed on the roof. Several years ago, a body was found in the backyard of that house. Children have been seen going into the house. That Mayor is unsafe. But the city drags its feet as the great John Whitmire is not inconvenienced by that.
So, Mayor, if you can’t take the heat, get out of the fire. No one is stopping you from doing that.
Below are some photos of the house mentioned above.