Ted Cruz and Kim Ogg agree that Trump should be locked up.

Cruz said that at a time where the country had gone crazy, Texas needed to serve as a counterbalance of sanity and reason. He pointed to a recent conversation he had with Ogg about how people used to believe murders, rapists and child molesters needed to be locked up, regardless of your political affiliation.


Trump rape;

A judge has now clarified that this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood. Source

13-year-old accused Trump of rape:

MANHATTAN (CN) — A woman who says Donald Trump raped her at a private sex party when she was 13 years old refiled a lawsuit against him Friday, two weeks after voluntarily dismissing a suit based on the same claims.

The new complaint, filed in the federal court in Manhattan, restates plaintiff Jane Doe’s claims of the earlier lawsuit. Namely, that she was lured by a recruiter to summer parties hosted by co-defendant Jeffrey Epstein at an Upper East Side mansion on East 71st St., tied to a bed and forcibly raped by Trump, who slapped her with an open hand and told her he would do whatever he pleased with her.

Jane Does goes on to claim that after Epstein also forcibly raped her, he and Trump bickered over who should have taken the minor plaintiff’s virginity.

The original complaint was accompanied by two declarations.

The first declaration, signed by Jane Doe herself, detailed Trump’s alleged “savage sexual attack” on the then-13-year-old plaintiff.

The second declaration was signed by pseudonymous Tiffany Doe, who said she was hired by Jeffrey Epstein throughout the 1990s to recruit adolescent women to attend the billionaire’s parties.


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