Two Blacks on top of the Democratic Ticket, will Latinos buy into it or will it chase them away?

I don’t know about the rest of the state, but here in Harris County, the fact that often Latinos and Blacks may be competing for the same things, feelings are hurt, and animosity is created. Often enough, when I have asked Latino-named individuals, the dislike of African Americans is strong enough that they prefer not to vote or if they vote to vote for the other party. It starts at the schools when, as kids, they often bump heads or fight each other. It usually continues when they are mistreated or perceived as mistreated by the other group. That dislike goes both ways.

I could use school shootings as an example; the shooters typically shoot and kill people at the school where they attended. That is where the mistreatment occurred, so that is where they believe the need to suffer should be.

Colin Allred is supposed to start running ads in the Latino community, which I assume means in Spanish-speaking media. I seldom watch television, but my wife parks the TV on the Spanish-speaking channels. That is where I have seen numerous Ted Cruz commercials. I have also seen a few Harris/Walz commercials and about an equal number of Trump/Vance commercials.

My household has also received two Ted Cruz mailers; images of the mailers are at the bottom. The basic premise of the two fliers is that Democrats support criminals and oppose police.

Studies and research, including polling, finally find that what the Wasi’chu consider a group is no different from themselves. The Mexicans, Cubans, Puerto Ricans, El Salvadorans, etc., disagree on many things. We have Spanish surnames, so that makes us all the same. Only the ignorance or stupidity of the Gabacho would think that way.

Gabachos, or descendants of Europeans, don’t all think or act alike. All those European wars I read about indicate significant differences, so why would people with Spanish Surnames from the Americas be different from Europeans? Heck, Mexican DNA is about 70% European. Pandejos!

So, what should the party do to increase or get out the Latino vote? We should do the same thing that we used to do during the Raza Unida era, or like my dad and other community members did to kick the Gabachos off the school board.

While some in the Democratic Party may find the following offensive, it is not meant to be. The face of the Democratic Party is too gay; for the foreseeable future, I don’t see that being attractive to the majority of the Men in the Latino community. There should be some more macho men in there or, at minimum, guys who look macho but are not openly gay. That assumes they want to appeal to most Latino men.

Again, allegedly, the young boy of fourteen (14) years who did the most recent school shooting was bullied and called gay.

The teen’s dad, 54-year-old Colin Gray, told officers in an interview last year that his son was often picked on by bullies who’d touch him, pinch him and taunt him. “‘Colt’s gay,’” his father said they would call out. Source

Notice that Cruz wants to make sure that the community knows that Allred is black.

Cruz won’t tell you that he is a Cuban born in Canada who attended the best schools, including those Ivy League Schools. He has no idea what the vast majority of working-class people have to do to survive. What kind of man would allow Trump to bad mouth their wife and then get on his knees and kiss Trump’s behind?

“We’ve seen candidates that have said a lot of things about each other, but Donald Trump went incredibly personal when it came to you,” said co-host Ana Navarro. “He suggested your father may have been involved in Kennedy’s assassination and he called your wife Heidi ugly.” Source

It’s no coincidence that Cruz highlights that Allred is Black.

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