Money, money, money where will it come from?
Station 68, in memory of their passing.
Will have to wait to see if more information can be found about some of the candidates.
Harris County Sheriff – Three people want to oust the incumbent Read Post »
Gemayel King or Roderick Rogers are the better choice for the Democratic Party.
Re-elect Ravi Sandill. He is exceptionally well qualified.
Precinct Chairs should encourage people to vote for the Party that they represent.
Both the incumbent and the challenger are very qualified to be county attorney.
Do we change horses in the middle of the stream?
Allison Mathis would make a better judge and should get our vote.
Crime, if you don’t hear about it, it did not occur.
Was a crime committed if you didn’t hear about it? Read Post »
Judge Maldonado is the best qualified. Re-elect Judge Julia Maldonado
Harris County Judge, 507th Family District Court Read Post »
I am way past 60 so I am one of those that will not be here much longer. Meme
Sixteen percent of Trump Voters no longer with us. Read Post »
I was trying to figure out who would make the best candidate to defeat Ted Heap. Although my experience is that most police have very conservative opinions.
Whitmire a Republican masquerading as a Democrat?
Houston City Council has opportunity to expand it’s power. Take it. Read Post »
Sean Teare is a Democrat that unlike Kim Ogg is not in the pocket of the MAGA crowd.